Friday, December 20, 2013

Shaking Our World Project

Critical Thinking Question 
                      Have you ever heard about the theory of plate tectonics? Have you ever asked yourself what is it? Is it important or not? Does it relate to our real life or is it just history? The theory tectonics is the theory that tough external layer of the Earth (the lithosphere) is divided into a couple of plates. There are two kinds of crust, the oceanic and continental. Oceanic crust is 5-10 km thick and 32-70 km for the continental. This thickness moves 3 inches per year. Convection currents are really important for this theory, because it’s the movement of earth’s plates. Convection Currents moves the crust of the earth. I agree with theory of plate tectonic because scientists prove its right and all the natural disaster occurs because of the movement of the earth crust. 
         Convection currents are one evidence that scientist use to prove the movement of earth. Convection current occurs in the mantle part of earth. The earth has four main layers. The outside layer is called crust, which is where the two of earth plate, oceanic and continental crust. Then the mantle, and it made of melted rock, it’s liquid layer, and that’s where the convection currents occurs. Then, the outer core and last the inner core. The hottest layer is the inner core. Convection currents cause the movement of the crust. Convection currents process plays an important rule to the movement of earth. Convection current moves the plate slowly per year. Hot spot also prove the movement of earth. Hot spot is a place where volcanoes are still active. For instance, Hawaii is an example of hot spot place. Hawaii is in danger because their s a lot hot spot and volcanoes may happen.
Continental drift also used to prove the movement of earth. Continental drift theory is a theory that Alfred Wegener thought about the Pangaea and that continent were together. Pangaea was formed 300 million years ago, which broke up 250 million years ago. Some evidence of the theory is fossils, rocks record, and mountain ranges. I think this theory is agreeable because it show and prove the movement of earth. Himalayan Mountain in China proves the movement of earth. Earth movement may be dangerous because it may cause real and serious natural disaster such as volcanoes, tsunami, mid-ocean ridges, rift valley, and more.
Plate boundaries are also one of the evidence that prove that earth’s plates are moving. The three kinds of boundaries are convergent boundary; it’s when two plates come toward each other creating mountain and trenches. Divergent boundary is when two plates pull apart from each other and mid-ocean ridges and rift valley is formed. Finally, transform boundary, when two plates slide each other causing earthquakes and tsunami. Earthquakes are also caused by faults, a crack in the earth. Also subduction zone can cause trenches and volcanoes and it’s when oceanic plate and continental plate comes together.
Scientist proves that earth’s plates always move. The plate moves so slowly, it moves 3 inches per year. The mantle part of earth is made up of melted rocks. Mountain building is also example of earth’s plate movement. Plate Tectonic the curst layer on the land, it has many effected the continent to move, when the milted rock goes up the heat probably force the plate to move which called convection currents, a lot of people ask about how does volcano happened, and tectonic plate has part of causing that when the two land divergent from each other the heat begins to lose and as it goes down like circle the subduction zone grate. I agree with the theory because the world is facing a lot of earthquake and hurricane and other natural disaster. I believe the earth’s plate move because of earthquake and the shaking of the earth. The theory of plate tectonic claims that the structure of earth’s crust shows us that the earth moves since 300 million years ago. In the beginning of the earth were together in shape of Pangaea but with time it moves. This shows us that earth’s plate had been moving all the time.   

Reflection About The Project
1) What did you enjoy most about this project? Why?
The most things I enjoyed is doing different topic and different lessons in a different ways, we do each project in a different way such as, foldable, mini poster, videos, etc. 

2) What was most challenging for you during this project? Why?
The most difficult part of this project is that I had to do 5 projects in a current time, so the time management was a little challenging. 

3) What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
During this project I learn a lot of new skills, some skills I learn is making new video in a website. Before this project, I always wanted to do video but I did not know any website or anything but after doing this project, Ms.Kara teaches me the, Imovie, and etc.

4) Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?
I think if I have the chance to make this project again, I would take my time making the project look better and to make the work more thoughtful and using critical thinking strategies.

5) What would you change about this project?
If I have the opportunity to change anything about this project, I would give more time in class to work on it and to represent in front of the class. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Shaking our World Project

Analysis Paragraph
Their are couple of boundaries such as convergent boundary, divergent boundary, and transform boundary and they occur in our everyday life. Convergent boundary is the movement of two plates coming toward each other; one event from our everyday life is Himalayas Mountains at a convergent boundary in China in 1912. Another boundary is divergent boundary and it’s when two boundaries pull apart from each other. For instance, Rift Valley at a divergent boundary in East Africa was formed in twenty-five millions years ago. Another boundary is transform boundary, which is when two boundaries slid from each other. The boundaries have big impact in our life. We should all realize the importance of the boundaries and be aware of them. 

